Monday 23 February 2015

Headdresses, masks and props- oh my!

I've been putting together a lot of headdresses, props, wings and ear sets recently for my upcoming creature couture collection launch on April 17th 2015. I thought I'd share a few of those with you all, and remind you that a little ingenuity goes a heck of a long ways when building these sorts of things; there's no right or wrong way to do it. Hech there is t even a written way to do a lot of these things, so let your creative juices flow and go nuts! 
Wings. One can never really go wrong with wings. They make a statement, they are surprisingly hardy, and have the added bonus of sometimes keeping crowds from getting too close out of fear of being whacked. That last one is super important to those of use who dislike crowds. 
Unicorns and all things mythical leands themselves to headdresses and even costumery since you can go as simple or over the top as you want, after all, no ones ever seen a real unicorn to tell me any differently. 
These antlers were tough. You've got to sculpt them, balance them on the headdress, paint and texture, install and hope it all holds up. Is it worth is? Hell yeah! It makes one hell of a show stopping piece when someone walks out onto a runway in antlers. 
Masks, oh how I adore thee! They are elegant and unexpected, easy for the model, makeup folk love them, and it's a breeze for hair folk to get them attached. 

What's your favourite outfit spice em upper? Let us know in the comments! 

Monday 9 February 2015

Green screens are amazing

Having never worked with a green screen before, despite having attended countless photoshoots for my many dark knits boutique pieces to be seen by the world, this thing blew my mind. 
It doesn't look like much when standing in front of it, and it's not the most flattering thing in the world, but damn are the results amazing. 
I gave it a whirl for my portal cosplay shoot and at the photographers request, I also brought the TARDIS corset and cosplay. 
Like I said- holy crap, this is awesome. And to make it even better, if in edmonton, the Stanley A. Milner library downtown has one available for use, for FREE. Yes free. You just can't go wrong. 
I honestly could not resist posting this. It's David effing Tennant! 
I also checked out glaDos' cake dispensary. Turns out its a lie. The cosplay however, that's a triumph- making a note here; huge success!