Wednesday 7 January 2015

Project: portal long fall boots part 1

I've decided it's about time I make myself the Chell cosplay from the portal series I've been wanting since I first played the games- after all it will be nice to check a piece off my metal list of personal "must do's". That and my awesome family got me a portal gun for Christmas, woot! 

I started with a pair of boots that had the toe box shape I was looking for. I didn't care about much else since I'd be changing it anyway. 
I chopped of the heels and added some apoxie sculpt to hide my shoe butchery. (I wear a mask when I chop the heels off because dust and bits end up everywhere- safety first and all that. You can see the freshly cut boots on the table here:

For the next step I took a rough cast of my legs from ankle to knee using painters tape. I really suggest sacrificing a pair of knee high socks to the cosplay gods and taping to that rather than just bare skin, I thought because it was painters tape it would come off easy.... That shit still hurts! 

After wrapping my leg in painters tape I free handed the general shape I am looking for on the tape with a sharpie and labeled it. This goes on to make my pattern for later. 

From here I've been focused on getting the boots an even white, and still flexible enough that I can walk in. Regular paints will crack along flex points when you move & bend the foot. To remedy this I've painted them with a few coats of light body, heat set fabric paint. You can acquire this amazing stuff at most screen print and signage supply shops. 
After each coat I give it a good shot with the heat gun on high to set it all. 
I'm going to make this the end of my first  part of this build, simply because I need to go out into the great yonder and get myself some aluminum flat bar for the heel springs/supports. 
Part two to come in a few days! Thanks for reading!

As always, all patterns, photos and information contained in this post is the sole intellectual property of dark knits boutique and may not be copied, reproduced or altered in anyway without express, written consent. 

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